St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church
Church: 211 - 6 Ave SE, Calgary, Alberta T2G 0G4
Parish Office: 604 - 1 St SE, Calgary, Alberta T2G 5H8
Phone: 403-266-2512; Fax: 403-263-4341
Email: info@stfranciscalgary.com
Office Hours: Tuesday to Friday from 9:30 am to 11:30 am
Fr. Joseph Canh Vu, OP
Parish Pastoral Council
Francis Ziegler - fgzieg@telusplan.net
Luz Honorio
Pastoral Care
Mazima Arat - maxima.arat@yahoo.ca
Pelagia R. Rubia - pelagiarubia@gmail.com
Youth Ministry
Angela Mitchell - angie1@telus.net
May-Anne Billones: mynn_billones@yahoo.com
Music Ministries
St. Francis of Assisi Choir - 5:30 pm Saturday Mass
Elaine Carujano - jo-el@shaw.ca
St. Cecilia Choir - 9:00 am Sunday Mass
Leah Callao - leah_callao@hotmail.com
St. Lorenzo Ruiz Choir - 11:00 am Sunday Mass
Roberta Farinas - robertafarinas66@hotmail.com
St. Teresa of Calcutta Choir - 4:30 pm Sunday Mass
Amy Alcarracin - jacem20@yahoo.com.au
Sacramental Preparation
(RCIA, First Holy Communion, Reconciliation, Confirmation)
Contact the Pastor for information at info@stfranciscalgary.com